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SCAM ALERT: Scammers are calling family members of detainees asking for bond money via PayPal or similar pay services. The Cobb County Sheriff's Office will not call you to ask for money for any reason.

Identity Fraud

Identity Theft

Georgia law prohibits the theft of identity for financial purposes. This is termed the financial identity fraud act, the law is composed of O.C.G.A. 16-9-121 through O.C.G.A. 16-9-127.

Identity fraud is the fastest growing crime in America. An individual will collect vital pieces of information about you. Unfortunately, it is not a large amount of information. Most commonly, the criminal will obtain your name, social security number, and date of birth. From this point, the doors begin to open for the criminal element. There are numerous ways the criminal obtains this information and uses it to their advantage.

Federal law prohibits the theft of identification for the purpose of committing a crime. (18 USC 1028(a)(7). The circumstances of your case may dictate federal prosecution. Please consult with our investigators for specifics.


Fraud is simply obtaining something of value, most commonly money, from another under false pretenses. Most fraud cases involve telemarketing and internet scams. Many of the criminal elements target the elderly for their fraudulent schemes. However, no one is immune to the practices. It is best to be armed with facts and exercise care in questionable acts regarding your finances.

Telemarketing scams are also very popular. The bulk of the scams were credit card offers and “work at home” opportunities. The approach most often employed was unsolicited telephone calls or mail.

We have provided links to several sites that maintain a national presence in the fight against identity theft and fraud. You are encouraged to familiarize yourself with common illegal practices of the criminal element. This is the best method to protect yourself.

Contact Information

Cobb County Sheriff’s Office
Forgery Unit
185 Roswell Street
Marietta, Georgia, 30090

Telephone: (770) 499-4752
Facsimile: (770) 499-4797

Associated Links


A general information web site sponsored by the various federal government agencies. A wealth of information arranged in one site.

National Fraud Information Center

A web site devoted to providing information about various Internet and tele-marketing scams.