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SCAM ALERT: Scammers are calling family members of detainees asking for bond money via PayPal or similar pay services. The Cobb County Sheriff's Office will not call you to ask for money for any reason.

Internal Affairs

Internal Affairs

The Cobb County Sheriff’s Office cares about what you think of the kind of service it provides to the community. Information provided by you helps the department deliver the best possible law enforcement service to the community of Cobb County. Your input will be used to help shape programs, priorities, training, and discipline so that we may continue to live up to our reputation for excellence.

Our policy is to give appropriate supervisory attention to all public feedback whether it is in the form of a commendation or a complaint. We will forward commendations to the named member and thoroughly investigate any complaints we receive. That includes information received from people directly involved in an incident, witnesses, friends, or relatives of those involved.

If you have a comment, you may report it to us in person, by mail or by telephone. You do not need to give us your name, but we encourage you to do so because we may need to talk to you to get additional information about the incident. If you feel strongly about our agency’s performance, positively or negatively, let us know.


When you have experienced service from our agency you feel is worthy of commending, we would like to hear about it. You may submit your comment to a supervisor in person, by telephone or by mail. If you desire to make your comment by telephone you may call (770) 499-4740. Please include all the details you can remember such as the personnel’s name, the date, time and circumstances of the incident.


Internal Affairs is tasked with receiving citizen complaints.  If you have information that you would like to report, you are welcome to meet with an Internal Affairs Investigator, Monday through Friday, 0800 AM – 5:00 PM.  The Internal Affairs Office is located on the 2nd Floor of the Public Safety Building located at 185 Roswell St. Marietta, GA 30060.  If you are unable to file your complaint in person, please call the Internal Affairs Office at 770-499-4741 and ask to speak with an Internal Affairs Investigator during business hours.  If you call after hours, please leave a message with contact information and an investigator will call you back.


Once the complaint has been received, it will be assigned to a supervisor, manager, or investigator for fact-finding purposes. The Department will thoroughly look into every complaint and talk to the people involved. If the initial investigation reveals that the complaint is valid, appropriate action will be taken. A letter regarding the outcome of the investigation will be mailed to you within thirty (30) days of the disposition of the case.

Contact Information

Cobb County Sheriff’s Office
Attention: Internal Affairs
Public Safety Building, Second Floor
185 Roswell Street
Marietta, Georgia 30060

Telephone: (770) 499-4740
Facsimile: (770) 499-4742