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SCAM ALERT: Scammers are calling family members of detainees asking for bond money via PayPal or similar pay services. The Cobb County Sheriff's Office will not call you to ask for money for any reason.

Civil Service

Civil Section

The Civil Section is tasked with the responsibility of preparing and serving civil processes received from the Courts of Cobb County, as well as other jurisdictions. In addition to process service, this section executes court orders that include the completion of Evictions, Writs of Possession and the collection of other judgments issued by the courts.


The Sheriff’s Fee Schedule is defined and controlled by state legislature. The fees set forth are known to be accurate at the time of publishing. All amounts reflected are United States dollars.

Off-Duty Evictions

  • H.B. 1203 Off-Duty Law Enforcement Officers to Execute Eviction

    H.B. 1203, as enacted, amends subsection (e) of O.C.G.A. § 44-7-55 to provide that:

    [I]n the event the sheriff, sheriff deputy, constable, or marshal is unable to execute the writ within 14 days from the landlord's application or request for [the] execution [of the writ of possession], the landlord shall be entitled to utilize the services of an off-duty sheriff, sheriff deputy, constable, marshal, or other individual certified by the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council having authority within the jurisdiction wherein the premises lie to execute such writ at the landlord's sole cost and expense. The sheriff, sheriff deputy, constable, or marshal shall maintain a list of authorized off-duty sheriffs, sheriff deputies, constables, marshals, and other individuals certified by the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council and make the same available upon request by the landlord or an agent for the landlord. The sheriff, sheriff deputy, constable or marshal shall maintain administrative authority over any persons executing writs under this subsection. The landlord shall provide written notice to the sheriff, sheriff deputy, constable, or marshal of the date and time of the execution of the writ by such off-duty sheriff, sheriff deputy, constable, marshal, or other individuals certified by the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council at least five calendar days in advance of such execution in order to permit the sheriff, sheriff deputy, constable, or marshal to note the same within their own records.

    The Cobb County Sheriff's Office has adopted policy and procedures to comply with the provisions of H.B. 1203:

  • Calculation of 14-Day Threshold

    It is the policy of the Cobb County Sheriff's Office that—for the purposes of complying with the provisions of H.B. 1203—the 14-day threshold period will be calculated from the date when the writ was scheduled with the Sheriff's Office.

  • Landlords Utilizing the Services of Off-Duty Peace Officers

    A landlord or an agent for a landlord who is entitled to utilize the services of an off-duty certified peace officer to execute a writ of possession may assert this right by submitting an Application for Execution of a Writ of Possession in a Dispossessory (Eviction) Proceeding by Off-Duty Peace Officers. The application must be completed and submitted, in person, to the Cobb County Sheriff's Office at 185 Roswell St, Marietta, GA 30060, at least five (5) days in advance of the scheduled execution. The individual submitting the application must display a valid government-issued identification document and allow a member of the Cobb County Sheriff's Office to copy or scan the identification document. The landlord, agent, or executing peace officer will be responsible for obtaining the writ of possession from the Courts and shall make proper return to the appropriate clerk of court once the writ of possession is executed.

    Upon notification of or by request from the landlord or the agent of the landlord of your intent to exercise your right to utilize the services of an office-duty certified peace officer, any writ of possession currently held by the Cobb County Sheriff’s and scheduled for execution, shall be immediately cancelled and removed from the eviction schedule.

    Request to Cancel Execution of Writ of Possession in a Dispossessory Proceeding by the Cobb County Sheriff's Office

    Notification of Execution of a Writ of Possession in a Dispossessory Proceeding by an Off-Duty Georgia Peace Officer

  • List of Peace Officers Authorized to Execute Writs of Possession Off-Duty

    A certified peace officer who is authorized to execute writs of possession while off-duty and who desires to be included on the list of authorized off-duty certified peace officers maintained by the Sheriff of Cobb County shall complete the Application for Inclusion on CCSO List of Off-Duty Law Enforcement Officers. The application must be submitted, in person, to the Cobb County Sheriff's Office—at 185 Roswell St Marietta, GA 30060. The peace officer submitting the application must display a valid law enforcement agency identification document and allow a member of the Cobb County Sheriff's Office to copy or scan the identification document.

    As required by O.C.G.A. § 16-10-3, nothing in this Code section shall be deemed or construed so as to prohibit any law enforcement officer of the state or any political subdivision thereof; 1. From being employed by private persons, firms, or corporations during his off-duty hours when such employment is approved in writing by the chief or head, or his duly designated agent, of the law enforcement agency by which such law enforcement officer is employed.

    The list of certified peace officers who are authorized to execute writs of possession while off-duty is a public record. An electronic (PDF) version of the most recent version of the list will be provided to the landlord or an agent for the landlord upon request and without cost; as provided by GA H.B. 1203. A hardcopy (print) version of the most recent version of the list can be provided upon request by the landlord or an agent of the landlord.

    Sworn Application for Inclusion on CCSO List

  • H.B. 1017 Georgia Squatter Reform Act
    The police department with jurisdiction over the premises where a person commits the offense of unlawful squatting should be notified to take enforcement action under this code section.
  • Contact Us

    For questions related to H.B. 1203, please contact the Civil Section lieutenant at 770-499-4691 Monday-Friday, 8.00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or at email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

    Note: The “Request to Cancel Execution of Writ of Possession in a Dispossessory Proceeding by the Cobb County Sheriff's Office” may be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


  • Magistrate Court   $10
  • State Court   $10
  • Superior Court   $10
  • Juvenile Court   $10

Civil Process – Cobb And 2nd Originals (From Other Counties & States)

  • Magistrate Court   $50
  • State Court   $50
  • Superior Court   $50
For Levying Each FI FA
  • Magistrate Court   $50
  • State Court   $50
  • Superior Court   $50
For Each Nulla Bona
  • Magistrate Court   $20
  • State Court   $20
  • Superior Court   $20


Magistrate and State $25.00 per person listed on judgement. The statute controlling the Sheriff’s Fees is OCGA 15-16-21. You may wish to read the actual statute for further information regarding the fee schedule.

Contact Information

Sgt. Joshua Allred
Cobb County Sheriff’s Office
Operations Division
Civil Section
185 Roswell Street
Marietta, Georgia 30090
Telephone: (770) 499-4641
Facsimile: (770) 499-3683
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.