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Bill M. Hutson

  • Sheriff Caption: Marietta Cobb Smyrna Narcotics Squad, 3/1980 — An interagency squad became operational to combat the issue of drugs in Cobb County. DUI Task Force, 12/1982 — An interagency task force funded by the Office of Highway Safety was created; composed of the Sheriff’s Office and six (6) other law enforcement agencies. The efforts were a county wide traffic enforcement program targeting offenders driving under the influence. Bad Check Unit, 1983 — In an effort to minimize monetary losses that are associated with the criminal issuance of bad checks, the Sheriff’s Office collaborated with the courts to establish this unit. The focus of this unit is to apprehend the artist of the bad check instrument. Cobb County Department of Corrections, 1984 — Sheriff Hutson leads the office in assuming total responsibility for the management and operation of the Cobb County Stockade. The efforts continued with the appointment of new management for the stockade. The Sheriff’s Office assisted the new staff with the transition. The result was the emergence of a new department, the Cobb County Department of Corrections. Adult Detention Center, 1987 — A $12,000,000 pretrial detention facility was built and became operational. It was constructed at a cost of just over half the national average per cell.

Bill M. Hutson was first elected as sheriff in 1976. Hutson marks the forty-first sheriff of Cobb County. Hutson has served succeeding terms since this time. It marks the longest service record for sheriff in Cobb’s history. W.P. Stephens was successful in five bids for sheriff. The tenure for sheriff was only two years during the time of Stephens. Hutson has led seven successful bids for sheriff spanning some 27 years through December 31, 2003.

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