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Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Peralta

Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Peralta began his law enforcement career in 1982 as a Law Enforcement Specialist in the United States Air Force. After serving ten years of active duty service, he joined the Santa Fe Police Department in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He served as a Patrol Officer, Juvenile Services Commander and, upon being promoted to Lieutenant, the Accreditation Manager. Lt. Colonel Peralta joined the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and served twenty years stationed in California, Washington D.C., Texas, and Georgia. He most recently served as the Special Agent in Charge, overseeing all ATF operations in the State of Georgia. Lt. Colonel Peralta holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Services from Wayland Baptist University, Plainview, Texas and a Masters Degree in Security and Safety Leadership from George Washington University, Washington D.C.

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